Monday, December 31, 2012

A Year in Review - 2012 Highlights

The Gayla Pink Apple
2012 Year in Review

As I look back on 2012, recalling several wonderful and fun events and moments during the year. 

Highlights of the Year!
Little Rock Marathon 5K
March 2012
Little Rock Marathon 5K event in March was my first real official timed 5K! My official time was 35:44; pace 11:32; division place 3/31; sex placed 220/623 and overall placed 419/950 .  This was my best run, as I am a very very very slow runner.  I haven't run another 5K with this time since and probably never will - LOL!  And, a time of 35:44 isn't really a very good time - just good for me!  I worked that afternoon (what on earth was I thinking when I agreed to that) for five hours, helping a CPA with tax returns; went home, took ibuprofen, and fell into the bed dead tired!
Women Run - May 2012
Girl Power - Women Run Arkansas
Conway, Arkansas

                             Caroline and Gayla
                                                                                                Vicky and Gayla

Women Run Arkansas 5K annual event in May in Conway, Arkansas with my good friend, Caroline (photo above left.)  Also ran into  another wonderful friend, Vicky (photo above right) who was also participating in the event. 
Emerson College Graduation
May 2012
 Blair and Gayla before Commencement
Blair graduated cum laude from Emerson College in Boston in May with a major in Marketing Communications and a minor in Business Studies.  So proud of her accomplishments!
San Francisco
June 2012
Top of the Mark, San Francisco
Gayla and Blair
My daughter and I went to San Francisco and the bay area in June celebrating her college graduation. 
Blair and Gayla
We rented these fabulous GPS guided yellow go cars to tour the city!  It was super fun and a wonderful way to see San Francisco!  They drive like a motorcycle, and the GPS system guides you with directions and information about sites as you drive through the city.
We ran the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (above photos: Blair photo left, Gayla photo right.)  The bridge distance over and back is 3.4 miles which equals a tad bit over a 5K (3.1miles.)  The weather was perfect and water beautiful during our early morning run!
My July Birthday Flower Pup
I loved this adorable flower pup arrangement sent to me on my birthday in July!
Blair says Goodbye to Boston (and, so do I)
August 2012
 Blair and Gayla - Rustic Kitchen (a favorite restaurant in Boston)
I spent five weeks with Blair (Aug and Sept) to say goodbye to Boston and hello to NYC.  I helped Blair move to Manhattan September 1st.
Hello New York
September 2012
Greater New York Susan G Komen
Race for the Cure 5K
Central Park 9/09/2012
Ran the Greater New York - Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Central Park - September 9, 2012.  My daughter and I ran this event together.  What a wonderful day and emotional celebration for me.
Brooklyn Bridge Run
Manhattan Bridge Run
   Gayla-Brooklyn Bridge                           
                                                                                         Gayla-Manhattan Bridge
 Ran the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge while in NYC with Blair along with many other NYC outings...
 Broadway Plays
Celebrated Blair's 23rd birthday in September in NYC with Broadway plays (Mary Poppins and Peter and the Star Catcher,) Times Square, and shopping Fifth Avenue, to name a few!  
 Welcome Back Home, Gayla
Back to Little Rock to the real world of Gayla!   Just in time to start preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2012!  My daughter was home for both holidays this year and we had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas! 

Cheers to 2012!


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Surviving the Snow, Power Outage & the Cold!

The Gayla Pink Apple
Surviving Snow,
Power Outage,
and the Cold
Don't judge the snow by it's cover! 
I consider myself one of the lucky ones to have only had power out for 24 hours instead of four or five days, or yet still without. Another lucky stroke is that I have a gas cook top, small gas heaters in two of the bathrooms, plus a gas fireplace in the lower level. That pretty much equals the ability to stay somewhat warm and opportunity to cook in the dark. Didn't ever think I'd make toast in the bottom of an old iron skillet, but I did! Wasn't sure how to reheat leftover Christmas dressing without a microwave or oven, but I did! Admit not keen on instant coffee but on days without electricity I didn't even notice it was instant. 
Coffee warms <3
Found myself excited to clean out the freezer by cooking food for fear it would defrost and ruin.  Frozen shrimp turned into shrimp and grits for dinner.  WOW, we thought was a special night as I seldom cook shrimp and grits! 

Snuggle and stay warm under a down comforter and who needs heat?  Well wait a minute - I still need electricity - so what I really mean is with a down comforter it is possible to stay warm even if the rest of the house is very cold. 
 Sleep makes everything better!
Candles as a source of light are less than desirable - for us anyway.  I used them anyway and added a couple of flashlights.  I really missed not having the ability to turn on the lights.  Fully understand going to bed early and getting up early to make the most of the day with natural light. 
Let there be Light - even if by candles!
My husband slipped and fell on the ice - so a five hour stay at the emergency room fulfilled one day for us.  Not a fun day, to say the least.  No broken bones - just badly torn ligaments and a lot of pain.  Muscle relaxers and pain pills for a few days.  At one point I was even thinking I'd rather have another day without electricity than sit in that emergency room another five hours.  Horrific mess in there and mostly due to what appeared to me as an un-staffed emergency facility.  I didn't say under-staffed - I meant no staff in sight.  We finally saw a physician's assistant and never saw a doctor at all.  I am going to refrain from getting on my soap here in this blog about what I REALLY think about the medical facilities, their staff, and services!
 He didn't need the neck brace - it actually made his shoulders hurt worse - but we snapped the photo before he removed the brace.
My daughter and I walked across the street to the IHOP and ate eggs and pancakes at 3pm.  Can't tell you how many years it has been since I've eaten at the IHOP!  Let's just say a few! 
 Sunny side up protein
No cable!  YES, no cable the next day.  So, even though we were without power only one day - the 2nd day was five hours in the emergency room - and the 3rd day with no cable!  But, we were warm and with lights so no complaints really.  Who needs TV anyway. 
No cable equals blank TV screen in my study!
Time seems to pass so slowly when everything is calm and quiet - no busy noise or the TV.  Some turn to reading, and I love to read when the house is silent, but without lights reading only by candlelight isn't so appealing to me.  Watch the clock tick - thankful for a clock with batteries too!
Thankful for a clock operated by batteries in my study!
A nice visit to my parents for lunch yesterday, and all in all, I'd say we survived the snow, power outage, and cold very well!  We are still enjoying our Christmas tree lights and sitting next to it daily to drink coffee and spend face time with my daughter.
A warm heart and warm toes,

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ho Ho Ho - Hope Santa Came to See You!

The Gayla Pink Apple

Goodnight All!
Ho Ho Ho
"My job is done," said Santa!
Hope Santa came to see YOU!
He came to our house because - We Believe! 
Hope your day was filled with great joy and love!
We enjoyed our Christmas Day with a lot of laughter and food!  Then came the beautiful snow and the not so beautiful power outages.  But, we made the best of it with no power for almost 24 hrs, and happy to have power again now. 
My front yard this morning! 12/26/2012
Christmas day, I made a stuffed beef tenderloin with trimmings and Blair made a Pumpkin gooey butter cake to send us all to the sofa to collapse with full stomachs.  No turkey for us this year - but we did cook a turkey several weeks ago for Thanksgiving.  Now that I think about it, last year we had beef wellington instead of turkey - hmmmm - wonder if that means our tradition is changing from turkey to beef tenderloin?  Guess we shall see!  Regardless, it was a wonderful day.
Our beef tenderloin Christmas Evening dinner - Dec 25, 2012
Delighted beyond joy to have my daughter home for almost two weeks this year.  It is easy to forget that it's not always a given that family will always be home or together at Christmas.  I feel very lucky this year to be with her for a while. 

 Congratulations - Happy Retirement
I ran into a lady at Kroger a few days ago - she is now 90 years old - just so happened that I worked for her when I was 22 or 23 years old.  It was my first job when I moved to Little Rock.  She took me to San Francisco when I was very young - showed me the city - and the company paid for it.  Wow, I thought that was really something big - to travel with her to such a wonderful city.  Then, 33 or so years later, I took my 22 year old daughter to San Francisco to celebrate her college graduation.    I thought it was such a coincidence that this particular lady parks next to me in the Kroger parking lot on this particular day!  I introduced my daughter to the very lady that took me to San Francisco when I was my daughter's age.  Just thought was neat!  The lady is retiring at the age of 90 - this coming January 3rd - after 63 years working at the same company.  Happy Retirement OHC!       
Stay warm,

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


The Gayla Pink Apple
Believe it's Winter time - don't you? 
Sharing this little poem that popped into my head as I watch the snow fall.   Hope you enjoy the little chuckle!
by Shel Silverstein
I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away
But first -- it wet the bed.



Santa Claus is in Town - It's Christmas Day

The Gayla Pink Apple

The Christmas Pageant

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock

My daughter attended elementary school (grades K-5th) at The Cathedral School, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Little Rock. A yearly tradition, of course, was The Christmas Pageant. 
Blair as an Angel in The Christmas Pageant
Children dressed in fabulous costumes telling the story of Jesus' birth! 
Santa Claus Is In Town!
It's Christmas Day
Merry Christmas 
It's Today! 
Happy Birthday Jesus

Happy Birthday to our Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, Lord of our savior!
It is very easy to get distracted during the Christmas season and focus on the decorating, gifts, Santa Claus and the tree.  Christmas is the season during which Christians give thanks to God the Father for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ.  This joyous cycle begins on December 25, the Festival of the Nativity of our Lord, more commonly known as Christmas. With the birth of Jesus Christ, Christianity essentially begins; thus, Christmas also celebrates the beginning of Christianity.
The joy of celebrating truly is being with loved ones and gathering to nourish our bodies and give thanks and it's OK to enjoy the gifts under the Christmas tree too - just don't forget the reason you are celebrating this special day!
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas
Thank you for blogging with me these past 12 days!  I wish you much joy and happiness celebrating Christmas Day.  Go ahead and indulge - eat too much - eat pie - eat cake - celebrate! 

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year to YOU!

Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Christmas Eve - Did You See Dat?

The Gayla Pink Apple
Christmas Eve
Did You See Dat? Dat Was Santa! 
I decided to share a Christmas memory each day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas day. There's no order - just a random Christmas thought or memory --- today it is Christmas Eve.

Sleeping Under the Christmas Tree
and Santa Shows Up
My daughter and I would often sleep in our sleeping bags under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.  Seems we would fall asleep and never hear Santa when he came into our home and left gifts under the tree.  He'd eat the cookies and drink the milk she left for him - but, darn, we were always sleeping.
Blair as a little girl sleeping under the tree! 
But, one year, my oh my!  We did our usual gathering our gear - our sleeping bags and pillows - setting out cookies and milk.  (She was very very young - probably around 4 years old. I don't remember the exact year!)  Reading Christmas stories and then trying to fall asleep to soft Christmas music.  All of a sudden, there was a commotion - banging and clanging - on the front porch.  My daughter's eyes big as golf balls - her body frozen still while she slowly tilts her head and leans her ear to the entry!   "Oh my, it might be Santa!  quick get under the covers and pretend you are sleeping," she says to me.  We slowly scrunch down in our sleeping bags.
Sure enough, our front door opens.  The Christmas bells hanging on the door knob jiggle loudly.  Santa doesn't even attempt to be quiet - he makes all kinds of noise.  He is wearing a red suit, has a white beard and wearing his red santa hat.  He has his bag of toys with him.  Santa makes his way into our living room, sits down gifts for a little girl, eats his cookies and takes a sip of milk.  Poof off he goes - out the door - on to the next child's house.  As he goes out the door he turns and looks back at us and says "Merry Christmas Blair!" 
My daughter looks at me with disbelief and says "Mommy, Did you see dat? Dat was Santa!"  Need I say more?
Blair giving Santa on the tree a little kiss on the cheek!  
I have no idea if my daughter closed her eyes or if she took in his every moment.  I, of course, watched every move with a big smile on my face and much love in my heart. 
I thought we'd never fall asleep that very special Christmas Eve night!  One of my best memories frozen in my mind and heart! 
Loving Christmas! 
Did you see dat? Dat was Santa,

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Two Days Til Christmas-Santa's Elf

The Gayla Pink Apple
Santa's Elf
I decided to share a Christmas memory each day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas day. There's no order - just a random Christmas thought or memory --- It's only two more days til Christmas!
 An Act of Kindness
Special Delivery for a Little Girl
Does Blair Live Here? 
Santa's Elf - Fed Ex Driver
A computer was to arrive on Christmas Eve. I wrote a note to the Fed Ex driver and attached it to the mailbox on the front porch.  The note informed him that the package/computer was a Christmas gift from Santa for a little 2nd grade girl.  I asked him to ring the doorbell - ask for Blair - tell her that Santa asked him to make a special delivery to her today - Christmas Eve - that Santa would be bringing her other gifts tonight.
It worked perfectly - the Fed Ex driver was fantastic.  He was so nice and kind to her and played along exactly as my note on the porch had asked of him.  She talked for days about Santa's helper bringing her a special delivery - her computer.   It was just too big for Santa to bring in his sleigh.
Blair as young child -- Silliness under the Christmas tree
Such a wonderful and nice act of kindness in the man's hectic busy schedule of deliveries, etc. He took the time to stop and take the extra step to make a child's Christmas great. 

Every time I see a Fed Ex truck and driver during the Christmas season, I am reminded of this Christmas Eve.  All you can do is SMILE thinking about!

Santa Claus is coming to town, SOON!
Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas,