Sunday, August 4, 2013

Christopher Paul and Mary Helen -- Lee Middleton Babies

~~The Gayla Pink Apple~~
Are you familiar with Lee Middleton dolls? 
These life like dolls are remarkable, to say the least.  They feel like a real life baby.  If you have a Lee Middleton baby doll you know exactly what I mean. 
Christopher Paul and Mary Helen
My daughter was in elementary school and while we were shopping in Memphis, she just happen to pick up this doll in a store.  Oh My Goodness!  It was love at first touch.  She just had to have a baby that felt like that - like a real baby - she had to have a Lee Middleton doll.  I did not buy the doll for her.  But, as you can imagine, she talked about that doll for months. 
Christopher Paul
We discovered where in LR the dolls were sold. Her first Lee Middleton baby doll was a boy and she named him Christopher Paul! 
Christopher Paul in his antique doll size crib
He is adorable and today still sleeps in her room in my home. The doll size crib was purchased by my grandmother and given to my niece.  It was then passed down to my daughter.  The crib is probably from the 1950's - just a guess.
Mary Helen sucking her thumb.  Too Cute!
The next one was a little girl doll dressed in pink and sucks her thumb.  Her name is Mary Helen! 
Mary Helen in her wicker bed
Mary Helen also still sleeps in her very own wicker bed in my daughter's room.  We didn't expand the number of children (dolls) - a little boy and a little girl were perfect.  They're basically twins - they both have blond hair, both have a pacifier and sometimes suck their thumb. 
If you have a little girl in your family - just wait til she picks up and hugs a Lee Middleton baby!  You'll be hooked too! 
Mary Helen and Christopher Paul - They're precious!
My daughter is now 23 years old.  I can't part with the dolls.  I'll save the dolls forever, I suppose.  Do I dare admit sometimes I go in there and pick up these precious life like baby dolls to hug and feel their softness!  HahahaHehehe - oh, who cares!  Sometimes you just need a moment of softness.  I know they are dolls and I love them!  

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