Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year in Review...

~~The Gayla Pink Apple~~

 2014 started off... COLD!  I was in full training mode to run the 10K portion of our Little Rock Marathon the upcoming March.  It was very difficult running in such cold temps, but critical if I was going to stay on track.  But, first...
February 2014
I adopted Camille from a poodle rescue organization...She is the sweetest girl!
March 2014
The Little Rock Marathon 2014 ... Blair flew in to run the 10K with me. It was cold and raining - we ran in garbage bags except to cross the finish line and for photos.  But, in spite of the weather, it was a great day and a great event.
Collage of Blair's photos

Collage of my pics
May 2014
Camille and I ran our first official "Dog Jog" at MacArthur Park, LR 

 June - July - August 2014

The summer months were spent continuing my backyard gardening and getting new plantings in the ground for the pergola as well as watering. 

September 2014
Runway for a Cause!
Gearing up for Breast Cancer Awareness month - which is October.  I started early by participating
in Susan G Komen-Arkansas' Runway for a Cause event.  It's the annual luncheon with breast cancer survivors walking the runway in fashion outfitted by local retailers. 
 My favorite photo from the event.
 AY Magazine shoot...part of the Runway for a Cause.
KARK4 Live TV segement...also part of the Runway for a Cause.
My new motto:  Strong is the new Skinny!
AFA - Arkansas Fitness and Athletics came into my life.  I met the owner, Jim, at a birthday party of a mutual friend.  I visited Jim's place - Arkansas Fitness and Athletics - this is not just any "gym" - his philosophy for fitness / working out for someone my age and fitness level were impressive.  I joined!   After working out at AFA 3 times a week, for about 4 to 6 weeks, my running improved dramatically.  My pace increased significantly and I definitely could feel and see a big difference in my overall strength.  Stronger muscles made a big improvement.  Hence, my new motto - Strong is the new Skinny!
October 2014 
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and, of course, the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Little Rock.  I participated in the competitive run this year - had a great run!

 Soaring Wings Half Marathon
October 25, 2014

Blair traveled here for a visit and, together, we ran the Soaring Wings Half Marathon in Conway as a relay team. 

October 26, 2014 - My Dad's 80th Birthday Party!
 My family with my parents. 
R to L: Randy, me, my Mother, my Father, and Blair.
November 2014 - Thanksgiving...
My parents joined Randy and me for Thanksgiving.  Blair wasn't able to fly in from NYC to join us.  This was my first official holiday without being with Blair.  However, she was able to fly in for Christmas.
Christmas at HOME!
Blair flew in for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  The three of us had Christmas Eve brunch and my parents joined us Christmas Day.  We had our traditional Beef Wellington dinner.  I loved spending the two days with Blair at home.  It was a whirlwind of travel but worth every moment.  Blair was very sick so no photo ops with her and Camille wouldn't get in front of the tree!  Neither girl cooperated with me for great Christmas photos - but, I got lucky with a couple of Camille with me. 
Our first Christmas photo
The highlight of my year?  Yes, you know it!  Adopting Camille!  There's no shortage of photos of her, to say the least.  Here are a few of my favorites...
"The photo!" 
The one the rescue organization sent to me.  One look at her and I knew she was the one!
Two weeks later - Camille and Blair meet for the first time!

She is soooooooooooo beautiful, to me!

Camille's first Christmas!
I think we rescued each other! 

Farewell to 2014 and Hello 2015...


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