Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Shoe Horse and A Cap Cat!

The Gayla Pink Apple
A Shoe Horse?
A Running Shoe Horse;
Yelp, That's Me
A Cap Cat?
Yelp, That Too!
When I was young, I worked at a shoe store along side my grandmother.  I'd work on Saturdays and holidays.  So, of course, you know how easy it was for me to become a shoe horse. 
I was in elementary school when I first started working at the shoe store.  I was too young to be paid, but the owner of the store usually gave me a free pair of shoes.  I quickly caught on to how fabulous it was to have a new pair of shoes fairly often.   I've never really changed - but, as I've matured I find that I buy quality instead of quantity now. 
Fast forward to my current shoe horse fascination -- now -- it's for running shoes.  I find myself buying running shoes instead of sandals, heels, or boots.  I am usually breaking in a new pair, running in a seasoned pair, and at the same time alternating with yet another pair that is in-between - not new - but not yet seasoned.  I do not know if this is technically a good idea.  I am not sure I really want to know - it is, afterall, what I find myself doing. 
I run in a minimalist running shoe.  My first barefoot/minimalist running shoe was the five finger vibram shoe.  I loved them, but, I did not like the attention and comments I drew from wearing them.   I then moved to pretty much the same type of shoe as the five finger vibram but without the toe separation - a minimalist running shoe. 
I found the regular minimalist works wonderfully for me.  I have a turquoise blue/green pair (my seasoned pair;) a bright hot pink pair (my in-between ones;) and a rainbow pair with yellow, pink, and blue (the newest pair in the beginning stage of wear.)  No, that's not all - but it's all I'm going to admit to here.  LOL

I am also a cap cat!  What's a cap cat, you wonder?  Well, it's just a term I made up to say that I have as many caps as you can imagine to run in also.  Caps of every color - blue, green, purple, chartreuse green, light pink, medium pink, dark pink, red, white, and black - just to name a few.  Not all women run in caps - I do because I have naturally curly hair and as I run and get hot my hair starts to curl.  Therefore, a cap is a must for this gal!

I have a few other obsessions as a runner - but - for now, I think I'll keep them to myself!  Oh, OK OK OK - I'll tell ya a couple more.  I have to wear certain socks!  I have to wear sunglasses to shield my eyes because they water so terribly from the outside air and wind.  Usually must have my Garmin, iphone for music - sometimes runkeeper app, and that running pocket belt thing-a-ma-jig.  Last, but not least, I want my chapstick too!  Whew, you didn't know there were so many little issues for just a measly little run, now, did you? 

And, I won't even mention the clothing!  Yikes! 

Gear up and run,

Thursday, April 25, 2013


The Gayla Pink Apple
This has been around a while - I ran across it a few days ago...

enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...

something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...

a youth she's content to leave behind....

a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....

a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...

one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...

a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...

eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...

a feeling of control over her destiny...

how to fall in love without losing herself..

how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship...

when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...

that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..

that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...

what she would and wouldn't do for love or more....


how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it....

whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...

where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming Inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Monday, April 22, 2013


The Gayla Pink Apple

Here's the rough shirt mockup. Top is front, bottom is upper back. Don't worry about sizes yet, I will get that info from you (and your donation) at the event.
April 22, 2013 6:30pm - 8pm
Murray Park - Little Rock
A group of runners joined together this evening to walk, jog, or run any distance benefiting The One Fund of Boston.  Runners of all paces!  Run 1 mile or run 12!  Run the distance of choice and make a donation as a show of support and solidarity for Boston and the running community as a whole. 
 Thanks for putting this together!
 Some printed bibs for their run tonight
I normally do not run on Mondays' - but couldn't miss an opportunity to join a group of runners to show my love and support for Boston.  So, I ran a 5K (3.1 miles) this evening and let me tell ya, it felt wonderful.  A peaceful, humbling, and relaxing run, allowing my mind to escape, allowing my feet and legs to carry the burden of my sadness to mourn the tragedy in Boston.   
Murray Park - BostonStrongLR event
This one was for you, Blair.  My daughter who graduated last May from Emerson College in Boston and is currently living in NYC.  I know if you were in town you'd be running your little /big heart out! 
 Great turnout tonight!
Group of runners getting ready for their run!
Love for you, Blair and Boston,


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Warming My Heart to the People of NYC, One Step at a Time!

The Gayla Pink Apple

Thank you, CityMd - Manhattan
Age 2 - St Vincent Hospital
"That nurse just poked a needle in my finger and made me cry,
now you expect me to smile?" 
It doesn't matter if they are 3 years old or 23 years old - when your child is sick you want to help.
Age 3 - St Vincent Hospital
"Ok, I'll try to smile but you keep that nurse away from me, please"
My 23 year old daughter, living in Manhattan, working full time, and taking advanced Sommelier courses, calls to tell me she is sick. As a Mother, you want to take her to the doctor, right! Yes! But, since I am in Little Rock and she is in NYC - uhhhh, that's obviously not going to happen!
To make matters worse, we dropped her from our family health insurance because her job offered health insurance. What wasn't realized, until it was too late, is that there was going to be a window when she would not have health insurance at all. She would have to wait until her probationary period ended before the health insurance would be offered. But, wouldn't you know it - yelp - she is sick and without health insurance. Yes, a mistake on her father's part, but, what's done is done!
You know, it doesn't matter. Her father tells her to go to the doctor anyway, and he will just pay whatever it cost. I mean, afterall, when your child is sick - well, you do what you have to do!
I am known to be a little long winded - so in an attempt to make my long story short - she goes to the CityMd clinic only a block down the street.  Her throat hurts and her ears hurt! The doctor confirms her she has an acute ear infection; throat is severely inflamed; and on top of that she has the pink eye! 
At first, the Doc says he is going to do a couple tests - but - when he realizes she doesn't have health insurance - he changes his mind! The doctor gives her med samples for the ear infection for ten days, along with a prescription for eye drops for the pink eye. Yes, this is common for many of us here in our little city - but, in NYC, I was very surprised at the kindness and prompt attention! 
My point is that instead of running throat cultures and other stuff, which equaled additional charges, he treated a young professional with kindness and care. He put her needs before money, and it cost her only the office visit ($125) and the cost of one prescription filled!

Warming my heart to the people of NYC afterall!

Thanks Doc,

Friday, April 19, 2013

I love Boston

The Gayla Pink Apple
I love Boston - love visiting Boston - and, yes, mostly because my daughter went to Emerson College in Boston.   But, also because of the history of Boston and it is a great city. 

Emerson campus is on Boylston Street across the street from Boston Pubic Garden and Boston Common (the oldest city park in the US.)

There are colleges all over Boston - seems colleges on every street corner - college students at every turn! People living life and especially young college students starting out - the beginnings of their journey through life. 
Downtown Boston
Photo by Gayla Aug 2011
Boston is rich in history.  The Freedom Trail, Boston's most historic walking path; Fenway Park, world famous ballpark. 

Cheers Menu
Some of you will remember Cheers - where everybody knows your name!  The pub made famous by the TV show.

Newbury Street Famous Shopping
 Boston's famous Newbury Street for fine restaurants and designer shopping along the brick paved sidewalks and beautiful buildings.  
Downtown Boston
Photo by Gayla Aug 2011
Each school year that my daughter was in college there, 2008/09 - 2011/12,) I often would wish that I'd just so happen to be there visiting her on the day of the Boston Marathon - but, it never happened.
Downtown Boston
Photo by Gayla Aug 2011
The Marathon route runs right in front of her then dorm rooms, later her apartment, on Boylston Street.  I never wanted to run a marathon - and still don't - but I always wanted to be in Boston on the day of the Boston Marathon to experience the atmosphere and see the joy of those runners! 
Exterior of my daughter's apt bldg.
Corner of Boylston and Tremont Streets
I started running in 2011 and during my visits to Boston in 2011/2012, I ran in Boston Common and walked the city, specifically Boylston Street, many times.  When I think about my physical self standing right in the middle of Boylston, I recall the excitement and exhilarating high and joy I felt being there.  My heart feels your pain right now, Boston! 

I love Boston,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rockin' Out The Barkin'

The Gayla Pink Apple

Rockin' Out The Barkin'
Blue Tooth Patio Umbrella
Four Barking Dogs Next Door
Battle is ON!
I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but, enough is enough.  My next door neighbors have FOUR beautiful dogs.  They bark nonstop several (many) times a day and that includes every time I walk out on the patio.
You know, I think I should be able to sit outside in the mornings and drink ONE cup of coffee without four dogs barking nonstop.  Finally, when my tolerance level has gone into over-drive,  I yell, at the top of my lungs, "SHUT UP" - they stop.  By this time, I am in a bad mood and don't even want my cup of coffee!
Just happened to be shopping for a new patio umbrella and the young man at the outdoor furniture place shows me a patio umbrella with blue tooth!  At first I reject the thought - I don't need blue tooth music in my umbrella.  Of course, it's a little more expensive.  But, wait a minute!  Maybe I do?  The price isn't that much more and I'd buy the umbrella if blue tooth wasn't attached.  It's the right size, color good, etc.  It fits what I am looking for!  Ring it up!  Sold!
Well, I love it.  The best thing so far is that when I started playing the radio the volume was so loud it shocked me.  I immediately scrambled to turn the volume down.  But, then, I noticed the four dogs next door had stopped barking.  Oh my!  Maybe I am going to win this battle yet.  Thank you Lord!
I think Bear, Bodie, Blackie, and PrettyOne might just love it too.  (I don't know their real names - this is what I call them.)  We might be friends afterall.
I love dogs, but, I don't love four dogs barking nonstop. So, for now, I guess I'll just entertain them, huh? Guess we will see how long it lasts! 
Rockin out the Barkin,


Friday, April 12, 2013

My Journal of Running Events

The Gayla Pink Apple
My Journal of Running Events
My journey to running started because I needed to be active for my health. After surviving breast cancer in 2005, I knew part of my future would include some form of exercise. 

Walk / running on the treadmill at the fitness center began several years ago.  After a while, it gets kind of boring, but, I manage to get it done. I find myself alternating between the treadmill and elliptical - but still gets mundane.   Being in the fitness center is not fun for me - it is not an environment I yearn to frequent. But, I felt I had no choice. So, a friend helped me work myself into a comfort level. 

I thought if I could run / jog on the treadmill for a long time, and I had worked up to quite a long time, surely I could run the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5K (3.1 miles.)   I walked the event every year, 2005 - 2010, as a breast cancer survivor.  Deep down inside of me, though, I really wanted to run that event - just one time! 

God must have heard my little secret wish because one day in August 2011, an email pops in my inbox from the SGKomen-Arkansas affiliate inviting me to attend their 6 week training program to get ready to walk or run the upcoming SGKomen 5K that year.  After much conversation with myself, "you can do this - you know you can" - "go on, sign up, what do you have to lose" - "if it doesn't work out, just walk it."  So, I registered for the "Train for the Cure" program at War Memorial Stadium and showed up for every session, plus I added my one weekly run on my own, as instructed. 

I ran my first 5K - the Susan G Komen 5K in Little Rock in October 2011.

I used to say "oh, I'm not really a runner" and I'd say that because I was so slow.  But, if you run - you are a runner!  A mile is a mile, whether it's a 7 min pace mile or a 13 min pace mile - A mile is a mile!

I am a runner! !  - I am a slow runner!  But, I run!

I run,

The list below are my events, to date, and significant runs, in descending order.

13.)     Soaring Wings Half Marathon
October 25, 2014
Sybert Relay Team - Soaring Wings Half Marathon
October 2014
(an official event)
12.)     Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 2014.  The year I ran as one of the competitive runners with a time chip. 
 October 4, 2014 - SGKomen Race for the Cure
(an official event)
11.) Little Rock Marathon 10K (6.2 miles)
March 2014
Blair and Me - LRM10K - March 2014
(an official event)
10.)     Jingle Bell Run (Arthritis Foundation)
Hudson River, New York City
 Blair and Me - December 4, 2013
Jingle Bell Run - NYC
(an official event)

9.)     Little Rock Marathon 10K (6.2 miles) 
          March 3, 2013
             My First 10K                                              
Little Rock Marathon 10K (6.2 miles)
Little Rock, AR  - March 3, 2013
My first 10K -- at age 57
an official event 
8.)    Light Up the Night 5K 
        Honoring Jennings Osborne
        December 8, 2012
Light Up the Night 5K
Honoring Jennings Osborne
Little Rock, AR -- December 8, 2012
(an official event) 
7.)    Brooklyn Bridge Run
        New York City
        September 21, 2012
Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, September 21, 2012
( Not an official 5K - but a significant run to me)

6.)   Greater New York Susan G Komen 5K
       Race for the Cure - Central Park - NYC
       September 9, 2012
Susan G Komen Greater New York 5K
Central Park, NYC, September 9, 2012
(an official event)
5.)    Golden Gate Bridge Run
        San Francisco, CA
        June 10, 2012
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, June 10, 2012
( Not an official 5K - but a significant run to me - 3.4 miles)
4.)    Women Run Arkansas
         Conway, AR
         May 12, 2012
Women Run Arkansas 5K, Conway, May 12, 2012
(an official event)
3.)    Little Rock Marathon 5K
        March 3, 2012
Little Rock Marathon 5K
Little Rock, AR  -- March 3, 2012
(an official event)
2.)    Light Up the Night 5K
        Honoring Jennings Osborne
        December 10, 2011
Light Up the Night 5K
Honoring Jennings Osborne
Little Rock, AR  - December 10,  2011
(an official event)
1. )                           My First 5K
Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5K
Little Rock, October 22, 2011
My First 5K (3.1 miles) - at age 56
an official event
****** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
P.S. As I run other events I plan to update this blog post - it will serve as my record of events. 
Originally posted April 2013
Updated November 2014

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's Behind the Name, The Gayla Pink Apple ?

 The Gayla Pink Apple
 I am often asked....
What's Behind the Name,
The Gayla Pink Apple?
Here's the answer...

I started The Gayla Pink Apple blog because I wanted to share the things going on in my life as if you were sitting in my living room, drinking a cup of coffee, or enjoying an early evening cocktail with me.

The Gayla Pink Apple often serves as a tribute to something or someone.   A journal, of sorts, of my thoughts and opinions, and things going on in my life.   Experiences that define my life and who I am. 

What's behind the name "The Gayla Pink Apple?"   I started the blog in August 2012, while helping my daughter move from Boston to New York City.    I knew one of the first things I was going to do in NYC was run the Greater New York Susan G Komen 5K in Central Park.    As you know, New York City is known as The Big Apple.    Since the color pink is nationally associated with breast cancer, and as a breast cancer survivor, I definitely identify with the color pink.     I envisioned myself having a "gala (GAYLA)" of a time in NYC and also running in my (PINK) shirt in The Big (APPLE.)   Hence, The Gayla Pink Apple name!   Cute, huh? I think so <3 
It's a "Gayla,"



Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Few Blooms for Casey!

The Gayla Pink Apple
A Few Blooms for Casey
 Adult Casey, age 7 years
I planted a few blooms for little sweet Casey girl!  As most of you know by now, our precious little 14 1/2 year old Shih Tzu, Casey, passed away in early February.  Actually, two months ago today.  I decided to take this bird bath and plant flowers in memory of her.

 Flowers in Memory of Casey
She is missed terribly and my heart still hurts for her.  This little area at the back fence in the back yard represents her joy and love. 

                Baby Casey - age 3 months              Elderly Casey - age 14 1/2 years
I envisioned making this spectacular - full of gorgeous blooms - but the fact is there's a lot of shade in this area and only a few annuals do well in shade.  I narrowed it down to impatiens and / or begonias -- since the impatiens at the garden center looked close to death, I went with the begonias.  So, on day one, it's not as showy and pretty as I'd envisioned, but hopefully, as the spring and summer days greet us, these will grow and I'm confident they will be beautiful to me.

Casey's #2 Mommy

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Decorating Faux Paus

The Gayla Pink Apple

What's Your Decorating Faux Paus?

 Beautiful, yet livable

I Want my Home to Reflect ME;
Not Someone Else -- Not a Professional Designer or Decorator's Personal Taste!
We all want our homes to look the best we know how and can afford, right!  There's nothing wrong with wanting to put your best foot forward, so to speak.  We want our homes to reflect who we are - how we live - what's important to us, etc.  And, we want our environment to be warm, inviting, yet livable and comfortable - while at the same time beautiful and in good taste, reflecting our success as we go through the different phases of our lives. 
It is interesting to me that our taste and styles often change as we grow into who we are.  For example, things we liked at age thirty are not the same styles we admired in our forties.  For me, now in my fifties, my things or style may be a little dated, but, so am I.  LOL. Regardless, I know my style and placement are still correct. 
I do not want my home to reflect the latest trends, modern, & chic.  That's not who I am or what I represent.  I want it to say - southern - classic - rich in taste, not money - yet, warm and inviting.  Nothing in my home is off limits.  I sit on every piece of furniture.   I've always had that decorator eye, yet didn't have the opportunity to put it all together until I was in my late thirties - early forties. 

When my daughter was in elementary school, I decided my home needed to reflect some kind of style.  She was past the 'baby' stage with 'baby' stuff EVERYWHERE!  But, what was my style?  That is not always easy to identify.   It's fine if you like big over-stuffed recliners and I like a club chair with an ottoman.  (And, yes, they're just as comfortable.)  It's fine if you like sectionals and I like a camel back sofa.  It's fine that I like fringe and over-stuffed pillows and you like minimal fabrics and little foo-foo. I want my home to look nice and reflect me.  I want to be proud when family, friends, and guests come to my home - not embarrassed that no time and effort was put into my home to reflect my style.  If my rooms could talk, I'd like them to say "we look like Gayla."

Some years ago, I was the successful bidder at a silent auction for professional interior decorating services.  It was a great way to get professional help at a fraction of the cost - help decorating my home, identifying my style.  Finding the kinds of things I like and taking ownership of my style; and to stop waiting for someone else to tell me what I should like.  What I discovered was that the  placement, lay-out, scale, and balance in a room were more important than the color of the walls.
Interestingly, the interior designer who came to my home was a young lady about 25 years old.  At first, I'm thinking we might have little in common,  But, she quickly proved me wrong.  It was obvious, she was a trained professional.  She drew a floor plan of the rooms she was designing for me, and a few weeks later returned with a drawing of what furniture pieces she recommends, along with placement of each piece.  She explains why and shares with me some important basic guidelines.  I took her suggestions as I proceeded to search for items, and in the end it was money well spent.
Instead of selecting items for my home, she made suggestions on 'what' to buy, and left it to me to go from there.  For example, she'd suggest a sofa and two side chairs and where to place them.  She did not select the actual pieces - that was up to me.  She guided me on the size and shared how to find the right size for the room - helping me to not buy a sofa too big or too small for the room.  Her rendering of the room included pictures of sofa styles she recommended, etc.  In the end, it wasn't about someone else selecting items and fabrics for me - it was about placement and scale.  She showed me where to place rugs, how and why to hang drapes; and how rugs, drapes, and accessories would finish off a room giving it that decorator professional finish. 
On a very personal level - and a neat discovery, the young girl tells me that when she drove up to my house, she was flooded with childhood memories.  Her grandparents built my home - she spent many holidays and special occasions as a young child in my house.  How neat! And, we had indeed, purchased the house from the estate of her grandmother.

The following do's and don'ts are from a professional interior designer. Take them for what they're worth to you.  Walk into just about any house that hasn't been professionally decorated and you're bound to see at least one of the following decorating mistakes. It's no big surprise really; there are a lot of rules when it comes to interior decorating and we all slip up now and then.
To avoid making some of the most common decorating faux pas,  these rules are how NOT to decorate. Just because most people make these mistakes, there's no reason why you should have to.

DON'T use an area rug that is too small.  All of the furniture should be sitting on the rug. If this simply isn't possible, the front legs of larger pieces can be on the rug with the back two needn't be. All four legs of smaller pieces should be on the rug.

DON'T choose the paint color first. Paint is available in thousands of colors and can easily be changed. Choose your most expensive pieces first then decorate around them.

DON'T hang chandeliers too high. You want to light up the room, not the ceiling.

DON'T hang artwork too high. People have a tendency to hang art closer to the ceiling than it should be. Artwork should be hung at about eye-level. Obviously this varies from person to person, so use your judgment. But it's better to err on the side of lower rather than higher.  

DON'T use short curtains. Curtains and drapes should just skim the floor. It's okay if they're longer and they puddle a bit, but they should never be shorter. Curtains that are too short have the same effect as pants that are too short: they make the wall look shorter than it is.

DON'T use too many throw pillows. Throw pillows are great decorative accents but don't use so many that you have to move them all off the couch, chair or bed before you sit or lie down.

DON'T use tiny accent pillows. The throw pillows you use should relate to the piece of furniture. A tiny pillow on a large chair looks bitsy and lost.

DON'T create a theme room. While they can be fun to decorate, people tend to get sick of them really quickly. Theme rooms look old and outdated very quickly and then you're stuck having to spend more money replacing items you no longer want. Instead try to add elements of the theme you like into a regular room.

DON'T opt for style over comfort. There are a lot of great looking items out there that look great but are totally uncomfortable to sit in. Always think about how you're going to use the piece before you buy. At the same token, don't assume something great looking isn't comfortable.  It doesn't have to look like that big lazy-boy to be comfortable. 

DON'T push all the furniture against the walls. Sometimes the room size can make this difficult, but try to pull furniture away from the walls to create more intimate conversation areas. This is particularly important in living rooms and family rooms. Some people are hesitant to show the backs of furniture pieces but there's absolutely no reason why this should be so.

DON'T rely on overhead lighting. While it's good to have, it doesn't offer enough lighting, and it's not particularly flattering. Use table lamps, floor lamps, sconces – whatever you like. Just be sure to use a mix. It will provide more light as well as make the room and everyone in it look better.
I found this information to be very informative.  I am guilty of some of these mistakes, specifically - using too many pillows.  I often see drapes which are hemmed above the baseboards - about 4 inches off the floor.  And, rugs - oh dear - rugs - I can't tell you how many homes I've been in where the rugs are completely wrong. 

It took me a few years to complete my rooms as the designer suggested - I finally finished it about 15 years ago - but, all in all, I love the interior of my home.  I do not have tall ceilings and beautiful crown moldings.  I live in an ordinary home - but - it is decorated in a manner and style which reflects me.  A little over-done; a little too much, a little too ornate; yet, very Southern, classic, rich in taste and style -- warm and inviting!  I love my space!

At the end of the day, if you don't want to follow the basic guidelines - don't!  :)  It reflects you, not me!  But, I don't need to hear how you don't care if it's not by the rules.  Let's face it - we all want to be proud of our environment. And if following a few guidelines and rules make for a better space, why not?  Furthermore, that's a good thing - we should care.

When it's all said and done, it's about surrounding ourselves in an environment which makes us feel good about ourselves, our home, -- reflecting who we are, how we live, and the things we enjoy.

Now, if I could just get my lawn and yard...well, that's another story.

Scale, Balance, and Style,