Monday, October 27, 2014


~~The Gayla Pink Apple~~

 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month-Get a Mammogram-Do Self Exams!
Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite
and send it soaring... 

That's just how I felt Saturday (October 25, 2014)soaring down the streets of Conway running in the Soaring Wings Half Marathon. 

Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let's go fly a kite!

Blair and me after our run!
The atmosphere of a well organized running event is just fantastic. On this particular morning - the air was clear. The morning a beautiful fall temp, but instead of flying a kite, it was my heart flying to the highest height. Okay, enough of the song. By the way, I love Mary Poppins! 

A soaring day...

Blair and I ran the Soaring Wings Half Marathon in Conway as a relay team.  This means I ran 6 miles and she finished the remaining 7.1 miles to complete the 13.1 miles of a half marathon.  You've heard the saying many times -  there's no "I" in team and a team we were indeed. 
Repeating myself can't be avoided when talking about the joy and pleasure it is for me to run with my adult daughter.  Words escape me to express what a gift it is to me, to have had the opportunities I have had, to run with her.  The Soaring Wings event added another page to my memory book/heart.
Soaring Collage
One interesting tidbit...after passing the timing chip to Blair at the exchange point, I meander over to the water table.  I hear this voice yell "G A Y L A" --- my eyes, naturally, glance up and there stands one of the girls I met at Runway for a Cause a few weeks ago.  Yes, indeed, I remembered her and I even knew her name.  Wendy and I were in the same photo shoot for AY magazine as well as walking the runway on event day.  Now, how cool is that!!!
My husband and I made our way to the finish line to wait for Blair.  While watching runners cross the finish line and listening to their names called out, and I hear "Brooke Mc Collum" - OMgosh, that's my uncle's daughter.  
Gayla and Brooke
I  knew Brooke was a dedicated runner and we've been at the same events several times, but never saw each other.  I just had to make my way over to her and say hello. 

You may recall, I often run very early - like 5 a.m. - with Linda and Janie.  They were running the half marathon while I was running the relay portion. 
Mandy, Janie, Linda and me at the starting line.
Since I ran the first leg of our relay, I was able to start at the starting line with these ladies, as well as watching them cross the finish line.  
Camille models my medal!
When we get home, this sweet poodle doodle is, as always, so proud to see us.  Of course, she wears my medal beautifully.

My heart was soaring,

I ponder whether to share my true thoughts about this event.  Frankly, the event is indeed a NICE event, but it's not as great as I had been led to believe. 

First, the website is difficult to obtain current information.  Secondly, the running lane is way too narrow; and lastly, the packet pickup the day before (Friday) was a waste of my time. A critical item was missing from relay packets.  The strap to the timing device didn't get put in the packets.  A required item - it's not like I had a choice.   I was told I'd have to get it at race day registration.  Well, why did I drive to Conway and get my packet the day before if I still have to go early the following morning. 

Oh, one more thing - the relay exchange point wasn't at all as we were told it would be.  It was poorly implemented.  We were told one thing would happen - yet, arriving at the exchange point - it didn't happen.   I will have to think long and hard before I do Soaring Wings again. 



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