Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Alvin and Theodore's fine dining experience...

The Gayla Pink Apple
Alvin and Theodore must have had a big celebration dinner! 

You know that I adore my two little chipmunks, Alvin and Theodore, living in the rock pile at the back fence.  I see their little tunnel openings, here and there, in my yard.  I don't disturb them - make sure I leave them alone.  Afterall, I indeed want them to outrun the neighborhood cat that often sits in my backyard, like a statute, just waiting to pounce.  These little tunnels are their escape routes, I think! 
In the mornings, I often sit out on the patio drinking my coffee, and Alvin or Theodore will often scurry by my chair on their way across the yard. They surprisingly get quite close to me - but, maybe we have ESP and they know they're safe with me.
Blooms about a week ago!
A couple days ago as I sat watching a dove get a drink from the birdbath and the robins fighting with one another, my eyes glanced down to admire my little impatiens which, a few days prior, had nice little blooms. 
Now!  :(
OH NO!!! WHAT HAPPENED?  What on earth is wrong with this?  How could it go from being so pretty to looking like this!  Hmmmm, Oh dear, I think Alvin and Theodore had a very nice dinner!  Well, little guys, I sure hope your tummy is full and you surely can sleep well!

Sevin dust??? idk, will see!

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