Monday, June 3, 2013

Casey's Begonias -- They've grown so much!

The Gayla Pink Apple
Casey's begonias have grown sooooo much!
Photo taken this morning!
 They are almost filling up the converted planter!

Begonias about  4 weeks ago!
I know I am not the only person who has pretty begonias.  I am assuming I am not the only person who has planters and things in memory of their beloved pets.  I do hope I am not the only person who loves to share with their friends when you feel good about it.  This planter just makes me feel good!  It makes me smile to look at it and think how much Casey would love to roam around it and do her thing. :)
Planter on the day it was planted
My little hydrangea has a couple of nice blooms this morning too! 

Oh my, I hate it when people have to show me every little bloom as though they are the only person with a pretty flower!  Forgive me, please. 
Enjoying the small stuff today,

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