Thursday, June 6, 2013

Welcome Slope Hosta aka Hosta Hill

The Gayla Pink Apple
I said I was finished revamping the backyard, and although I finished my major project overhaul, somehow I just kept puttering here and there.  My major renovation was done on the upper level of the backyard.  A nice nightmare of a small hill or large slope divides the two levels.  And a set of brick steps divide the hill/slope.   I refer to these two sections as Slope Ivy and Slope Myrtle. 
Slope Ivy was covered in overgrown ivy and growing up the brick on the house.  I hated the stuff.  I went on a rampage to remove the ivy by its' roots.  I lost - that stuff is still there.  She will poke her head up through the soil, smiling at me, sooner or later.  I'm ready for her too - with another round of roundup!  My sprayer is just waiting for her!  About ten years ago, Slope Ivy was planted with azaleas and daffodils.  I came home one day and the azaleas had been pulled out of the ground and were gone! That's when Miss Ivy took over. 
Slope Myrtle is twice as large as Slope Ivy and two crepe myrtles - which can't bloom due to the shade - sit proudly on this slope.  I tell the two girls they are pretty without blooms - just don't die on me.  The rest of Slope Myrtle was covered in weeds chest high.  Never fear Myrtle, I'm here to get rid of those horrible weeds bugging you pretty girls.  DONE!
Slope Ivy and Slope Myrtle were sitting proudly with just dirt - which becomes mud when it rains - and so it never ends...
Now what do I do?
Well, as little as possible.  I am not in the mood to overhaul these two slopes, but I got it started, so I've got to do something - I can't just leave them like this.  Just get them presentable.  Hostas! Yes, I love hostas, they do well in the shade.  Great idea - so,  I planted hostas over the entire Slope Myrtle.  Fifty hostas planted!  Try getting a grip with your feet on a large slope bending over to plant fifty - yes fifty - hostas and see how you feel when you're fnished. 
I love hostas!  These are baby size plants and as they grow I will need to move some of them in order for them to grow to maturity.  There's a nice variety of hostas.  The standard green, a variegated green with white edge; variegated white with green edge; and the blue hosta all gladly join my Slope Myrtle.  Hmmmmm, I may need to rename the area Slope Hosta.  Never fear, Myrtle will not mind at all.  They were tired of carrying the burden of that slope anyway.  Welcome Slope Hosta or Hosta Hill - whichever you like best.
Now what to do for Slope Ivy.  I don't know...still pondering! 

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