Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Is it Time for a New Pet???

The Gayla Pink Apple
Is it Time for a New Pet?
How do you know when (if at all) it's time for another pet.  After a pet passes on, the question lingers - do you get another pet? 

Our little Shih Tzu passed away just five weeks ago.  She was almost 15 years old and is missed terribly.  I'm asked often if I am going to get another pet.  I don't know!  For now, I say, no, I do not plan to get another pet.  But, I don't know if that's really correct.  We have had two precious family pets and I'm thinking that's going to be all.
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I agree with the quote "until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." But, I've loved two precious dogs and I'm confident my soul has not remained unawakened. So, the question is, do I have enough space in my current being to love another pet and endure losing another pet. 
Benzer -  1985-2002
Our first pet was a darling little schnauzer (photo above.)  He was just the best - Baron Von Benzer was his official name.  He aimed to please - always wanting to please you.  Benzer was so well behaved - well, I guess that means I trained him so rigidly, that he walked the line of almost perfect.  Kind of like that first child thing and the inexperienced mother trying to do everything perfect.  My inexperience demanded that he follow my rules, etc.  He didn't dare get up on the furniture!  He didn't bother guests.  I was always bothered when friends allowed their pets to jump all over me and pounce in my lap.  (It doesn't bother me today - but years ago I didn't like it.)  So, by george, my dog wasn't going to do that to people!   Again, my inexperience here.  But, he loved me anyway! He almost never had accidents in the house.  He was just the most devoted and fabulous little guy you could ever hope for in a pet. 
Casey - 1998-2013
On the other hand, our little sweet Shih Tzu - Lady Peek-a-Boo Casey Marie (above photo,) was there for you to please her!  She was the queen and we doted over her for sure.  She got on all the furniture - she could sit anywhere she wanted to sit - and could do no wrong, in our eyes anyway.  As she aged, she could no longer jump up on the sofa, bed, etc.  But, in her prime years, she could do anything she wanted and get away with it.   By this time, I guess I had softened so much that Casey could just do no wrong. 

She was the little sis to Benzer and he was her big bro.  He showed her the ropes around our house and she followed him everywhere.  He tolerated her so kindly and she was most definitely the spoiled one.  Benzer was 13 years old when Casey came along.  Casey was 4 years old when Benzer passed on.  At first, I was worried how she would handle losing him.  She most definitely missed him, but adjusted.  I didn't realize, until Casey joined our family, how much company and joy a second dog is to the first one.  It was obvious they loved each other.  He was so good to her and she looked up to him. 
Benzer passed away three months shy of  17 years old and Casey three months shy of 15 years.  As you can tell, we obviously take good care of our pets - or to put it another way, they both lived a very long time, so they must have been well cared for.
 A house without a dog...
Interesting tidbit of information - Casey and Benzer both passed away on the same day eleven years apart.  He passed away February 7, 2002 and she passed away February 7, 2013!  They were both born in the month of May. 
So, back to my topic - is it time for another pet?  I don't know!  For now, I say, no - but - will I change my mind?  All I know, for now, is that I miss Casey terribly.  I still look for her many times a day - I still grieve her passing.
 When I look...


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