Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Mulch Loaded Day...

The Gayla Pink Apple
A loaded day - a load of mulch that is and a load of work.
 The truck load of mulch
I drove 40 miles to borrow a truck from my Dad to get a load of mulch.  Returning home, with my mulch in tow, only to discover that I had locked myself out of my house.  A borrowed vehicle didn't come with a garage door opener.
Well, after a moment of panic -- and since my husband was playing golf, I knew he wouldn't be home for another three hours -- I managed to get in the house.  I won't reveal here exactly how I managed, but I did. 
The momentum to start shoveling mulch and hauling it to my back yard disappeared.  All I want is a nap.
It's 90 degrees - noon-ish - NAP or SHOVEL MULCH?  Nap or shovel Mulch??  Hmmmm - Lunch won!  After lunch, NAP or SHOVEL MULCH?  Nap or shovel Mulch??  Nap won!
Finally, it was shovel mulch time and no other options available.   
Gayla and her shovel!
By this time, my husband is home and available to help. Thank goodness!  This mulch was solely for the back and two side fence lines. 
Mulch being transferred to the wheel barrow - and it almost fell over!
Multi-tasker here was able to grab the wheel barrow with one hand, hold the shovel in the other,
and heck, still smile for photo!  LOL
Yes, we hauled the mulch in the wheel barrow from the street to the back yard. We made between 30-40 trips -- shovel it in, wheel it to the back yard - dump it out!  shovel it in, wheel it to the back yard - dump it!  over and over and over! 

Believe it or not, this truck load of mulch only covered half of the area.  I will need another load.  It will have to wait a week or so.  I'm pooped!
Last wheel barrow push - it's almost gone!
Now, it's sweep out the truck.  Tomorrow morning rinse it out, then return it back to its' home. 


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