Friday, July 5, 2013

Ivy Trellis Tower

The Gayla Pink Apple
You may know by now that I have this thing against ivy.  It is not my favorite plant.  After a very difficult battle a couple months ago removing overgrown ivy from my yard, I vowed I'd never have it in my garden again. 
Then I visited a garden club friend -- My Oh My, she had ivy everywhere.  But, she had what I call 'fancy' ivy.  In other words, I think she was trying to convince me that there's ivy - then there's IVY!
Okay Okay Okay - I decided I'd give ivy a second chance.  But, by george, this time it would be 'fancy' ivy and on my terms.  Here is how I decided to give ivy another chance -- a trellis tower with ivy planted in the pot.  I think I can control this ivy and if I decide it's grand - well, we'll see!
Ivy Trellis Tower
I just planted this yesterday, so it will need some time to grow and climb up the tower.  So far, so good!
Ivy gets a second chance...

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