Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Cap

The Gayla Pink Apple

My new "New York City" Running Cap

My new "New York City" running cap - I love it!

I GOT MY CAP!!!! It says "New York City" not "I heart NY"

Last September when I helped Blair moved to NYC, I wanted to buy a running cap. But, believe it or not - I couldn't find one except at one of those street vendors or souvenir type cheap stores. We were not in a tourist part of town and I never happened upon a CAP. Everytime we walked down the street, I'd say "now, help me look for a cap." I think I said it to be point of being a little annoying. When I left the one thing I didn't get was MY CAP! 

Well, this time I got my NYC CAP -  I love it too! 

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