Thursday, July 11, 2013


The Gayla Pink Apple
Open Mouth - Insert Foot...
You may recall, I have four lovely dogs next door.  As lovely as they are, they bug the heck out of me when I'm in my - repeat MY - yard and they all four bark nonstop "AT" me!  Argggg!!! Ugggg!  So irritating and frustrating!
Their owner often comes home around noon and that means they get to go outside - and, yes, bark at me!  If the barking doesn't stop fairly quickly, I can yell at the top of my lungs - SHUT UP - and they stop!!  I know, I know, that's not very nice.  Normally I wouldn't say that to hardly anyone or anything, but for some reason, this thing inside me just boils and I yell "SHUT UP!"
One day last week just as I belted out a big SHUT UP, my neighbor stepped around the corner.  OH SH-T!!! 
Well, I confessed.  I told her that I didn't mean to sound so harsh but four dogs barking was a little unnerving to me and very frustrating.  I am a dog fan - I think they're pretty dogs - but the four barking at the same time is too much.  We had a fairly nice chit chat about it.  Her telling me how she thought they were getting better - when I'm on the upper level of my yard, they don't seem to bark.  They're getting used to me!  But, when I'm in the lower level of my yard - which is next to their property - they are not as agreeable.  Maybe if I gave them a treat, she comments.  But, don't try to pet the little Jack Russell terrier - he will bite!  The other three are friendly.
Hmmm, well, he didn't keep the burglar out a month or so ago when your house was broken into.  Shame on me!
Okay, I'll buy some milk bones!  I'll talk sweet to them next time!  How's that?
WOOF WOOF - BARK BARK -- WOOF WOOF - BARK BARK -- WOOF WOOF - BARK BARK!  "it's OK - hi guys - treat?  treat?  here's a treat!  Good boy!  Good girl!
WOOF WOOF - BARK BARK -- WOOF WOOF- BARK BARK - WOOF WOOF!!!  They can't hear my sweet little southern voice - the barking IS so loud!
Throw the damn treat over the fence and hope they SHUT UP!  And, if they don't - YELL "SHUT UP!" 

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