Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Our Own Little Alvin

The Gayla Pink Apple
The Backyard Chipmunk
Our Little Alvin 
A chipmunk is living in our backyard and he is the cutest thing! He lives in the rock pile located in the far back corner of our yard, where he has created his burrow. He roams the yard - I'm assuming he is searching for food. 
My Little Alvin eating my mulch 
As you may recall, I re-worked a small portion of the backyard - cleaning up a couple neglected walkways. I've planted a few new shrubs and perennials, along with impatiens and begonias (annuals) for the summer. It was during my many hours working in the yard the past two weeks that I met little Alvin! 
I do know that little Alvin is a member of the squirrel family. Yes, I know he is a rodent - but, I can't help it, I think he is adorable - he is so tiny. I am not going to destroy his burrow or try to run him out of his home.  I have plenty of yard to share. 
Welcome Wagon,


  1. Oh dear, I noticed this morning a neighbor's cat sitting in my back yard on the lower level. I have a sneaky feeling he is looking for my little Alvin! Hmmmm, I am not liking that one bit!

  2. I saw Little Alvin today. He came up on the patio and played in my new mulch a little while -- then return to his burrow home.

  3. Today I saw little Alvin in the backyard and he had Theodore with him. Guess I'll watch out for Simon now.

  4. I saw Little Alvin today. I was wondering how he was doing as I hadn't seen him in a few days. He joined me on the patio briefly and then off he ran.
