Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hello December!

The Gayla Pink Apple
Hello December
As I go into the month of December it is about Christmas coming up in a few weeks!   It will be reminiscing and memories - thinking about my heart smiling and a lot of laughter.  Ghee, sounds like I don't laugh or smile anymore, which is not the case.  But, at Christmas time, you can't help but reminisce, a little.  I'm grateful for the memories and I do look forward to each new day and continuing to make memories and living life. 
Do you know these characters?  Do you remember these?  Could you guess who they are?
                  Old King Cole                                                Humpty Dumpty

           Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum              White Rabbit - Alice in Wonderland
Old King Cole was a merry old soul!  Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall!  We also have The Three Men in a Tub (photo not shown) - rub-a-dub-dub!
Who doesn't love Alice in Wonderland and The White Rabbit!  I'm late / I'm late - for a very important date.
Raggedy Ann
Yes, Raggedy Ann and Andy!!!   Did you read the Raggedy Ann story books?  Yes, we did!  The stories of the rag doll found in her grandmother's attic!   
Well now!  Do you know this fine fellow?  You remember the uptown cocker spaniel named Lady who falls head over heels for the Tramp!  It's the one and only Lady and the Tramp - movie, of course! 
These are a few special ornaments which belong to my daughter - special because they represent her childhood and each represents time in her young life reading books and watching Disney movies! 
A Merry Old Soul,
I'm late / I'm late,

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