Sunday, December 30, 2012

Surviving the Snow, Power Outage & the Cold!

The Gayla Pink Apple
Surviving Snow,
Power Outage,
and the Cold
Don't judge the snow by it's cover! 
I consider myself one of the lucky ones to have only had power out for 24 hours instead of four or five days, or yet still without. Another lucky stroke is that I have a gas cook top, small gas heaters in two of the bathrooms, plus a gas fireplace in the lower level. That pretty much equals the ability to stay somewhat warm and opportunity to cook in the dark. Didn't ever think I'd make toast in the bottom of an old iron skillet, but I did! Wasn't sure how to reheat leftover Christmas dressing without a microwave or oven, but I did! Admit not keen on instant coffee but on days without electricity I didn't even notice it was instant. 
Coffee warms <3
Found myself excited to clean out the freezer by cooking food for fear it would defrost and ruin.  Frozen shrimp turned into shrimp and grits for dinner.  WOW, we thought was a special night as I seldom cook shrimp and grits! 

Snuggle and stay warm under a down comforter and who needs heat?  Well wait a minute - I still need electricity - so what I really mean is with a down comforter it is possible to stay warm even if the rest of the house is very cold. 
 Sleep makes everything better!
Candles as a source of light are less than desirable - for us anyway.  I used them anyway and added a couple of flashlights.  I really missed not having the ability to turn on the lights.  Fully understand going to bed early and getting up early to make the most of the day with natural light. 
Let there be Light - even if by candles!
My husband slipped and fell on the ice - so a five hour stay at the emergency room fulfilled one day for us.  Not a fun day, to say the least.  No broken bones - just badly torn ligaments and a lot of pain.  Muscle relaxers and pain pills for a few days.  At one point I was even thinking I'd rather have another day without electricity than sit in that emergency room another five hours.  Horrific mess in there and mostly due to what appeared to me as an un-staffed emergency facility.  I didn't say under-staffed - I meant no staff in sight.  We finally saw a physician's assistant and never saw a doctor at all.  I am going to refrain from getting on my soap here in this blog about what I REALLY think about the medical facilities, their staff, and services!
 He didn't need the neck brace - it actually made his shoulders hurt worse - but we snapped the photo before he removed the brace.
My daughter and I walked across the street to the IHOP and ate eggs and pancakes at 3pm.  Can't tell you how many years it has been since I've eaten at the IHOP!  Let's just say a few! 
 Sunny side up protein
No cable!  YES, no cable the next day.  So, even though we were without power only one day - the 2nd day was five hours in the emergency room - and the 3rd day with no cable!  But, we were warm and with lights so no complaints really.  Who needs TV anyway. 
No cable equals blank TV screen in my study!
Time seems to pass so slowly when everything is calm and quiet - no busy noise or the TV.  Some turn to reading, and I love to read when the house is silent, but without lights reading only by candlelight isn't so appealing to me.  Watch the clock tick - thankful for a clock with batteries too!
Thankful for a clock operated by batteries in my study!
A nice visit to my parents for lunch yesterday, and all in all, I'd say we survived the snow, power outage, and cold very well!  We are still enjoying our Christmas tree lights and sitting next to it daily to drink coffee and spend face time with my daughter.
A warm heart and warm toes,

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